Hacks to 5 Nightmares Real Brides have during Wedding Planning
Nightmares just aren’t about ghosts, gremlins, and creepy-crawlies; ask a bride-to-be and all her nightmares revolve around the decorator being confused between lilac and lavender. Wedding day prep not only brings a load of responsibilities but a few undertones of mini panic attacks and nightmares that make you more aware of all the little things you need to prep for your big day. A few brides-to-be wrote in and we decided to list some of the very real nightmares they experienced along with solutions on how to avoid making these nightmares a reality.
The Venue You Set Your Heart On Was Booked Out
Imagine having to give up on the venue of your dreams. We hope that never, ever happens to any of you, brides-to-be. This nightmare should remain a nightmare.
How to avoid this nightmare – It is advised that you book your venue at-least 10-12 months before the wedding. Once your venue is blocked for your date, the décor, food, DJ and other details will follow.
It Rains During Your Bright Summer Mid-May Wedding
People opt for the months of May/October-December for a rain-free wedding, sun-shiny summer wedding. But sometimes, just sometimes, the weather decides to be fussy. What does one do in a situation like that?
How to avoid this nightmare – Always talk to your decorator and venue and set up an alternate indoor venue in case the rain gods decide to rain it down on your big day.
Your Lehenga Turned Out To Be Awkwardly Short
When your family follows the age-old Indian ritual where the bridal lehenga is given by the groom’s family, there are chances of people not picking up the right size or length. Imagine your lehenga being so awkwardly short that you’d have to wear it really low – now that’s a scenario no bride wants to be in!
How to avoid this nightmare – Fittings. Fittings.Fittings – One magic word to rule them all!
Turned Up In My Pajamas – My Fiancé In A Tux
A bride-to-be tells us about her real nightmare where everything was perfectly going the way it was supposed to – the lights and drapes were in place, flowers beautifully blooming, candles lit up and her handsome groom-to-be ready in a dapper tux. But the tragic flaw in this dreamy nightmare was the bride-to-be arriving in her teddy-bear print pajamas! Yikes.
How to avoid this nightmare – Make sure all your outfits for each function are kept ready at least a week before the wedding.
A Humungous Fight With Your Fiancé
So much to do. So many ceremonies to perform. Arguments over themes, drapes and cocktails are bound to happen.
How to avoid this nightmare – Talk, communicate, text, call A LOT – use every method, social media and more to keep your husband/bride-to-be in the loop. Communicate emotions, feelings and every thought even though irrelevant – it’ll help you stay calm and move on from arguments quickly. But most importantly, laugh a little, swim out of the wedding planning puddle and distance yourself every so often from this process to really tell yourself, you’re doing this to get together for the long haul. So do just that!